Huge Congratulations to Josie this morning with another 1st time pass for the Hotwheelz Team !! Just 2 minors what an absolute star . A levels done , driving test done !! ENJOY your summer Josie 😎 .
Huge Congratulations to Josie this morning with another 1st time pass for the Hotwheelz Team !! Just 2 minors what an absolute star . A levels done , driving test done !! ENJOY your summer Josie 😎 .
A Super Duper 1st time pass today for our lovely Molly Weir . Molly has worked hard and it has paid off . Congratulations from the Hotwheelz Team you smashed it !!
Massive congratulatiins to Evie aspinall on a great 1st time pass today. The extra work over to past two weeks really paid off. Well done from the Hotwheelz Team 🎉🚗🚗🎉.
Huge congratulations from the Hotwheelz team to Lottie on passing her driving test today, brilliant drive in not very nice conditions, well deserved pass. Drive safe🎉🎉🎉
Huge Congratulations to Anna Byrne today passing her driving test with just 1 minor fault ! A fabulous drive with lovely comments from our examiner . It’s been an absolute pleasure teaching you . Stay safe from the Hotwheelz Team . If…